Tr3nDyGiRL fashion blogger

was created to express my concept of fashion and share it with anyone who loves this area of inexhaustible genius.
Fashion for me is the greatest celebration of my personality, which constantly asks innovation.
Each dress must therefore satisfy my every little intimate evolution and feed my ego.
On every choice I make use of my senses, the visual impact is not the only factor, I feel my head every before you even own it : it must be able to arouse an emotion, regardless of the brand that created it .
I love to mix different styles with caring attention to the selection of materials and accessories.
I draw inspiration and get inspiration everywhere : Windows , tv, glossy magazines .
The world of fashion moves my whole life.

They are literally seduced from haute couture , extreme luxury that creates culture and history.
Contempt deeply fashions of mass impersonal , trivial and without a hint of taste.
I think a woman should necessarily recognize themselves in the midst of many , with class and sophistication and I prefer the grand long garments that leave an impression of elegance, but I also like the eccentricity of street style, experimental and glam .
I follow with fervor the Fashion Week in every capital to keep me abreast of the must have of the season, and then create the best outfits on my skin .
With great pride I came to the No.2 position on the Les Cahiers